Monday, November 14, 2011

Class #9 Delicious Posts

1. Why your next phone might be bendable

flexible displays can mimic paper
it might allow any surface to become a screen

2. Hacking the drug cartels

Boing Boing- speculation about whether Anonymous really plans opcartel to take on a murderous Mexican drug cartel
Wired- though Anonymous has lately begun to take strong moral stances, many within the organization have distanced themselves from the op

Guy Fawkes was a British conspirator who plotted to kill King James, but was unsuccessful. He is celebrated in England.
Anonymous grew out of 4chan, and the group idolized comic book hero V, from V for Vendetta, who wore a Guy Fawkes mask
Anonymous helped the OWS movement, and now many in the movement have adopted the mask

Quantum locking-- the water object stays locked in place even as it moves along the track
This technology might be used to make floating cars in the future

OmniTouch is a wearable projection system that turns any surface into a digital interface
You can interact with menus, keyboards, and other applications on any surface

6. Bergenz Festival

Toxel- Creative floating stage changes every two years for Bregenzer performing arts festival.
BregenzerFestival website- This year's opera, Andrew Chenier, is set against the background of the French revolution.
Live picture- The festival has a webcam that updates viewers with a new picture of the floating stage during construction every two minutes.

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